The Listening Hour is a gentle gathering in a small group online where I guide each person to share a story that arrives spontaneously in the moment.
The word story is not used here to mean that it is made up or fanciful, or pre-prepared, rather it refers to the inner and shared narratives we each have about our unique felt sense of our life.
People have described how it can provide a pause in our fast and solution-focused way of living life. It is a moment to breathe, listen to your inner voice, and find new inspiration and comfort through connecting with others.
Sessions are offered as a one-time session or part of a series of sessions with the same group.
The Listening Hour is not therapy, although it may feel therapeutic. Nor is it an advice-giving or problem-solving process, although it might open up new ways to resolve a situation
Sessions are offered at NO COST and you may join as many groups as you wish​
The Power of Story
To be human is to weave our life experiences into the unique story of how we know ourselves and others. Story-making helps us make sense of who we are and to find meaning in all that happens to us and with those we love.
In this way, storymaking is a powerful river flowing through our life. Some stories are more ephemeral, like swirls on the surface, while others run deep and carry us along.
The Listening Hour was created by Jonathan Fox during the pandemic in 2020 as a way to help people stay connected while sheltering at home.
It is based on his forty years of experience with Playback Theatre, an improvisational approach based on audience members
sharing personal stories.
Having qualified as a Certified Practitioner in the Listening Hour with Jonathan, I am now offering sessions on a voluntary basis while I develop this practice.
Because stories are private and personal, it is also my role to ensure that the process is ethical and safe at all times. We are committed to respecting persons and their dignity within each group. ​
Groups are intentionally small, with no more than five members, to give each person space to share. Once enough people have let me know they'd like to be part of a session I let everyone know and we will agree on a date.